No More IITs Petition - Comments 1800-1900
1801.Ram Krishnaswamy-Rambo,Australia
What is stopping India in year 2006, with its current economic growth and financial reserves and global recognition for sevrices by Indians to the IT sector to adopt the same plan that the Jawaharlal Nehru's Congress Govt used, soon after independence ?
Pick five or even ten new states in India that are pleading for IITs and give them all one new IIT each. I believe just like most Indians do that each and every Indian state should have one IIT to serve the needs of the country.
Let GOI create brand smack new IITs sponsored by USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, France, Russia, Singapore, Holland, Sweden ( that stretches the list to ten ) We can definitely have a new IIT in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Cochin, Poone, and Bihar, Haryana etc etc based on demand...
Every thing will be brand new, new campuses, great hostel facilities, state of the art labs, super duper faculty.......this will leave existing seven IITs looking like old worn out men past their prime. The sky is the limit for creative thinkers
1816.Ashish- India
Rarity is a pre-requisite for preciousness
1820.Vijay kumar,IITK-INDIA
give them funds , but don't give name earned by others in several years.
821.Narendra kumar ,IITK-INDIA
just giving name would not change the scenario !
giving others the brand name will just ruin the REAL BRAND
827.sreedhar.U- India
Excellent Approach to stop the making 'New' IIT's
1830.Jiten sharma-India
By giving IIT status to colleges like AMU and others, they are not going to get benefitted, it will only lead to jolt on IIT brand name...
Govt. can do much better for them rather than doing so
Even converting Roorki University into an IIT is a mistake. You cannot turn an ass into a zebra by painting stripes on it.
1835.Arnab Ganguly-India
Provide funding and support and allow the RECs to genuinely earn the name.
Please donot destroy IIT brand by distributing it
1845.vivek tiwari-india
Outside world knows IITs for their performance.. we can give OTHER NAMEs to new funded institute.... leaving the name of IITs in PEACE!!!!!!
1847.Ranjan Gupta-India
We seldom hear any news about, what HRD Ministry is doing to improve public education especially in Rural India where we still have 80\% illiteracy. Should this not be the main focus of HRD Ministry ? Please get off the IIT and IIM band wagons and allow them the autonomy that they enjoyed and was guaranteed under the Nehru regime in the sixties and seventies. We could understand MMJ trying to interfere with IITs and IIMs but we cannot understand why Congress party in 2006 would destroy its own creation...meddling with IITs and JEE is unwarranted
1854.Arjun Mehta-India
I would like GOI to consider this suggestion. Why not name all the eleven cricket players in the Indian squad Sachin Tendulkars ?? With eleven Sachins in the team we will not require even one bowler on our side as we can score 600 runs in a 50 over... ODI
When will GOI get real and appoint some one young and smart as HRD minister? The Govt needs IITians and IIMers more than any other organisations in the world to help govern this democracy, not IAS Babus
1858.Pritam Singh-India
positive response should be taken.the decision will affect the educational system of India. try to improve more the existing IIT's.
1863.Mahesh Parameswaran-India
Hon'ble Gentlemen.. Lets give the other colleges good infrastructure, good salaries for teachers and raise their standards and enable them to carve out a name for themselves than having a borrowed name. Quality - the world respects and quality comes about by sustained intelligent efforts and not by name change. A name change by itself will not lead to an upliftment of education standards which we in India very badly need.
Am sure the Hon'ble decision makers will choose to enable institutions by better infrastructure and better facilities rather than just a cosmetic name change.
1864.Nishu Kohli-India
I strongly agree with contents of this plea
1870.Om Jagadish Prasad-INDIA
the best way to empower INDIA is to improve the competition. let world say c INDIA has got not only IIT's but also HIT's v ill b the 1st nation to have 2 group of institutions of which can compete MIT, Stanford, Harvard and few others
1884.Punit Bansal-India
Strongly support this petition
1885.Sourav pramanik-India
I wholeheartdely support the Plea to preserve IIT Brand Name
1888.rachit goyal-india don't spoil the brand name "iit" by creatin' it in excess
1890.Rajeev Ranjan-India
If renaming makes a difference I would have renamed myself as "Albert Einstein". If one wants his child to become a great man in any field he should give him the environment required for the aim right from the begining not just renaming him when he has grown up.
Dont dilute the brand name . Also preserve the standard of JEE exam , its a part of the brand.
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